Decision on the certificate of silent settlement of the matter

Kamil Klonowski

Uniwersytet Jagielloński


The aim of the study is to present the procedure in the source article pursuant to Art. 122f § 1 of the Code of Administrative Procedure, deciding on a certificate of tacit settlement of administrative matters. An attempt was also made to determine the features of this act and its effects.The characteristics of this procedure allow them to qualify for the category of simplified
administrative procedures. However, it is necessary to notice the differences
between it and the proceedings regulated in section VII of the Code of Administrative Procedure. This is the subject of the study. The relationship between these proceedings and the proceedings that preceded them and ended with a “silent settlement” of the case, which for the purposes of this study was called the “main proceedings”, and its subject matter, were also discussed. The methods of verifying positive and negative decisions were presented. The consequences of the confluence of extraordinary administrative proceedings and administrative court proceedings in this regard are described.


administrative proceedings ended with a silent settlement of the case, administrative certificate, act on the certificate of silent settlement of the case

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Cited by

Klonowski, K. (2023). Decision on the certificate of silent settlement of the matter. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (60).

Kamil Klonowski 
Uniwersytet Jagielloński