Work performance in the light of the Labour Law provisions
Janusz Wiśniewski
Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w BydgoszczyAbstract
The paper discusses legal provisions related to temporary work, telework and remote work in the context of the place of performance of the work. The author holds the view that the essence of the mentioned forms of carrying out
work lies in the location of the place of performance of the work outside the employing establishment, including at the place of the employee’s residence, and consequently in its flexibilisation. Nevertheless, the said flexibilisation of the place of performance of the work does not raise the need to modify the
traditional concept of the employment relation (Article 22 of the Labour Code). According to Article 6718 of the Labour Code, the place of performance of the work indicated by the employee and acceded to by the employer constitutes the only obligatory premise that determines remote work. Where the agreement
between the parties to the employment contract on the performance of the
remote work is made upon the conclusion of the contract (Article. 67 19 § 1 point 1 of the Labour Code), the circumstance that the agreed place of performance of the work was indicated by the employee should unequivocally be
deducible from the wording of the said contract (Article. 29 § 1 point 2 of the Labour Code). In the case where the agreement between the parties to the employment contract on the performance of remote work was made in the
course of the employment (Article 6719 § 1 point 2 of the Labour Code), the circumstance that the agreed place of work was indicated by the employee should be reflected in the wording of the mutual consent between the parties to the employment contract.
labour law, employment relation, remote work, telework, temporary employment, place of performing workReferences
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Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy