Reinstatement of administrative law periods during the COVID-19 pandemic – selected issues

Marek Lewicki

Uniwersytet Łódzki


The subject of the study is an analysis of selected problems related to the special regulations introduced during the COVID-19 epidemic regarding the restoration of deadlines set out in the provisions of administrative law. The purpose of the analysis is to verify the correctness of the interpretation of the
specific legal regulations introduced into the Polish law of that period, primarily in the jurisprudence of administrative courts. Against the background of this jurisprudence and the views expressed in the doctrine, the author presented the concept of interpretation. Its basic thesis is a clear separation of the regulations applicable in the cases of reinstatement of substantive law periods allowed by the analyzed regulations and the regulations constituting the basis for the restoration of procedural periods.


administrtative lav, substantive law period, procedural period, reinstate time limit, state of epidemic, COVID-19

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Cited by

Lewicki, M. (2023). Reinstatement of administrative law periods during the COVID-19 pandemic – selected issues. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (60).

Marek Lewicki 
Uniwersytet Łódzki