Land grabbing – a challenge to the international protection of human rights and sustainable rural environment

Piotr Krajewski

Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie


The subject of this study is the takeover by institutions with significant
means of large tracts of fertile land for intensive cultivation of monocultures,
which is accompanied by other disturbing phenomena. This is becoming a serious problem for many countries, especially developing ones. Therefore, the purpose of this analysis is to present a problem that concerns important international legal as well as organizational and institutional issues. The analysis is based mainly on relevant documents of international importance. These documents refer to human rights, property, the existence of local communities and indigenous people and the closely related destructive effects of
environmental impact. Unfortunately, this phenomenon is only now becoming
noticeable. These effects hit mainly rural communities. The analysis shows
that there is a need for organizational and legal support for small land users, and traditional local and rural communities. They protect their cultural and social heritage as well as local biodiversity by taking care of themselves.


land grabbing, sustainable use of land, right to land, rights of local and rural communities, human rights

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Cited by

Krajewski, P. (2023). Land grabbing – a challenge to the international protection of human rights and sustainable rural environment. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (60).

Piotr Krajewski 
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie