The phenomenon of indirect regulation as one of the key elements influencing the shaping of the specificity of the modern financial market

Michał Mariański

Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie


This publication is a fragment of research on the contemporary cross-border financial market. The purpose of this publication is to show that the specificity of the financial market law manifests itself not only in the fact that it
is a place where the norms of private law and public law coexist, where legal norms and laws of economics interpenetrate, but above all in the fact that the cross-border nature of many transactions on the market is an impulse for the
emergence of the so-called indirect regulation related to the competition of legal systems. The competition of legal systems, resulting from the possibility for the parties to choose the law applicable to their contractual obligation related to more than one country, which often occurs on the financial market, may result in a number of consequences indicated in this work. The nature and specificity of the financial market law mean that conflict-of-law aspects
cannot be omitted in the regulations relating to it, because in the absence of detailed regulations, the parties of a given transaction that has the form of a contractual obligation may be able to choose the applicable law each time, which in turn may affect negatively the legal security and the effectiveness
of supervision over the cross-border financial market. Therefore, this publication in which the author uses the functional approach of the comparative legal method, the historical-descriptive and the dogmatic method, is an in-
centive to reflect on the state of conflict of law regulations in the field of financial markets and the effects caused by indirect regulation and competition of legal systems resulting from the application of the rules of private in-
ternational law.


French law, financial market, indirect regulation, international private law

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Cited by

Mariański, M. (2023). The phenomenon of indirect regulation as one of the key elements influencing the shaping of the specificity of the modern financial market. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (60).

Michał Mariański 
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
<p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>  Poland