The impact of the development of the selected rights of minor victims on the creation and development of international standards of child-friendly justice

Marta Flis-Świeczkowska

Uniwersytet Gdański


The aim of this article is to show the impact of the development of selected rights of minor victims on the creation and development of child-friendly justice standards. The cross-cutting presentation of the basic legal regulations that influenced the direction and scope of the rights of minor victims was
enriched with a reference to the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights and an assessment of the practice of shaping the analysed standards. The presented considerations allow us to bring closer the essential aspects of the definition of“child-friendly justice” and to draw conclusions as to the need to adapt the practice of applying the provisions on the participation of children
in criminal procedure to these standards.



criminal proceedings, child-friendly justice, minor victim, children`s rights

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Cited by

Flis-Świeczkowska, M. . (2023). The impact of the development of the selected rights of minor victims on the creation and development of international standards of child-friendly justice. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (60).

Marta Flis-Świeczkowska 
Uniwersytet Gdański