Criminological basis of Islamic religious fundamentalism – selected dimensions
The main thesis of the article is that the fundamentalist branches of Islam are not a product of modern times. Numerous historical sources indicate the existence of such groups from the beginning of the existence of this religion. The article consists of three main parts. The first one contains an introductory introduction to the subject presented in the study. The second contains concise information on the theoretical and practical links between religious fundamentalism, terrorism and organized crime. The third concerns the genesis, functioning and collapse (or rather dispersion) of the so-called the Isla-
mic State – in reality, a terrorist criminal organization that cynically uses strict religious precepts to subjugate the conquered territories and the population living there. The summary of the text contains final conclusions that clearly remind about radical religious movements that often form a kind of
criminal and terrorist criminal conglomerate appearing in various parts of the world (both in Europe, Asia and Africa); with varying intensity. These organizations are clearly opposed to the values of the so-called the west; they reject the idea of human rights and promote the values (or anti-values) of
fundamental criminal religious movements.
criminal law, international law, criminology, radical Islam, religious terrorism, religious fundamentalism, security, organized crimeReferences
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