Decision on the necessity of entering the neighbouring property to undertake construction works

Aleksander Maziarz

Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego w Warszawie


The article analyses the conditions for issuing a decision permitting entry to a neighbouring building, premises or land of a neighbouring property in order to carry out preparatory work or construction works. It analyses in which situations the issuance of such a decision is necessary to carry out construction
works and to what extent the investor may use someone else’s property. The aim of the article was to analyse whether the current regulations do not constitute an excessive interference with the right to property by allowing consent
in the form of an administrative decision to enter someone else’s property. While it has been established that the current regulations do not excessively interfere with the ownership right, the legislator has not specified the manner of repairing the damage resulting from the investor’s use of someone else’s
real property (building, premises), referring in this respect to the Civil Code. Such a construction may result in the owner of the real estate having to undertake often costly and long-lasting efforts in this respect on his/her own through civil law.


construction law, decision granting permission to enter the neighbouring property, building freedom

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Cited by

Maziarz, A. (2023). Decision on the necessity of entering the neighbouring property to undertake construction works. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (61).

Aleksander Maziarz 
Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego w Warszawie