The necessity for a prompt review of the substantiation of a judgment in criminal proceedings

Marta Werbel-Cieślak

Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie UWM


The subject and purpose of this study is an in-depth analysis of many justifications of court judgments, mainly concerning criminal cases, to verify the legitimacy of the justifications contained therein. The leading component
of the verified justifications were observations regarding the need to initiate appeal proceedings. The observations made in the abovementioned scope led to the formulation of considerations regarding the instance control of the con-
tent of the statement of reasons for a judgment in criminal proceedings. The presented problems are important not only in terms of the theory of criminal proceedings but also contain important practical indications.


criminal proceedings, justification of the judgment, instance control

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Cited by

Werbel-Cieślak, M. (2024). The necessity for a prompt review of the substantiation of a judgment in criminal proceedings. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (63).

Marta Werbel-Cieślak 
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie UWM