The increasing power of the European Union in the field of criminal law and the consequences for the national law of the Member States

Radovan Blazek

Comenius University Bratislava


The increasing power of the European Union in the field of criminal law and the consequences for the national law of the Member States
Keywords: criminal law, European Union, EU primary law, EU secondary law, EAW, EIO.
In the following pages, the author gives a brief explanation of what does it mean European criminal law and which parts of criminal law are actually affected by the EU. Possible future development is assessed in the last part of
the article. The article aims to present a brief history of European criminal law, that helps us understand why the EU criminal law has its main features and why the specific areas are affected. The specification of rules and areas
directly affected by European criminal law explains the EU’s influence and its interest in involvement in particular social relations and also in criminal law which developed into the increasing importance of EU criminal law in last
years. The article uncovered and explained the positive elements of EU criminal law and envisaged the future deeper harmonisation in the field of criminal law which the author thinks is a natural development of the EU integration,
which started more than 70 years ago


European Union, criminal law, EU primary law, EU secondary law, direct effect, European arrest warrant, European investigation order

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Cited by

Blazek, R. (2023). The increasing power of the European Union in the field of criminal law and the consequences for the national law of the Member States. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (60).

Radovan Blazek 
Comenius University Bratislava