Legal aspects of the establishment and financing of a periodic stipend for e-sports players by municipalities. The case of the city of Sosnowiec
Przemysław Kuczkowski
Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy
The purpose of this study is to address the legal problem of finding an answer to the question of the permissibility of municipalities establishing and financing periodic sports scholarships for athletes of electronic sports based on Article 31 of the Sports Act. This study also undertook an analysis of the pioneering resolution of the Sosnowiec City Council concerning sports scholarships for individuals achieving results in electronic sports competition, from the point of view of the occur rence in it of the subject and object premises specified in the Sports Act. The
results of the research contained in this paper have proven that there is a legal possibility, based on the Sports Act (at the same time bearing in mind the provisions of the Public Finance Act regarding the expenditure of budget funds), of establishing and financing periodical sports scholarships for eSports
competitors by municipalities, or more broadly by all local authorities. The article is original in nature and is devoted entirely to the issue of periodic scholarships for e-sports players. Bearing in mind the individual works on
e-sports financing, the elaboration of this issue within the article, in the author’s opinion, will undoubtedly enrich the current literature. The analysis of the problem was based primarily on the Polish provisions of the Act, which
contains the regulations on sports scholarships, as well as on case law and
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Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy