The “amended problem” of the moment from which the right to waive the appeal can be exercised – comments against the background of the new wording of art. 127a § 1 Code of Administrative Procedure
Marcin Krzysztof Adamczyk
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
The legislative activity of the legislator also affected the Code of Admini-
strative Procedure [k.p.a.], which was amended by the Act of 26 January 2023
on amending acts to eliminate unnecessary administrative and legal barriers
as of 12 May 2023 k.p.a. article 127a § 1 k.p.a. From the very beginning, the institution of the waiver of appeal caused many controversies and legal doubts
as to its application. One of such doubts was the starting moment from which
it was possible to submit a declaration on the right to appeal, which in prac-
tice boiled down to the interpretation of the issue “in the course of filing an
appeal” as used by Art. 127a § 1 k.p.a. in the wording before the amendment.
The original interpretation of the disputed issue was divergent, as some ad-
ministrative courts believed that an appropriate declaration of resignation
from the appeal could be submitted only at the start of the deadline for lodging
an appeal, i.e. on the next day after receipt of the decision. There were also
other positions that directly indicated that the statement could be submitted
on the same day on which the decision was received after having read its con-
tent. This study is an attempt on the one hand to indicate the correct inter-
pretation of Art. 127a § 1 of the Code of Administrative Procedure, and secon-
dly, the answer to the question of whether the amendments were actually
necessary in connection with the development of a stable line of jurisprudence
regarding Art. 127a § 1 k.p.a.
Right to waive an appeal; a declaration of waiver of appeal; amendment to the Code of Administrative Procedure;References
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Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie