Legal and political aspects of the relocation of the Polish people from the USSR to Poland in the years 1955–1959
Ewelina Rytelewska
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie UWM
The transfer of many thousands of Polish people from the territory of the Soviet Union in the years 1955–1959 was called the “second repatriation”. The agreement concluded in March 1957 between the governments of the Polish
People’s Republic and the USSR was the completion of the resettlement action carried out in the years 1944–1948. The scale of transport from the USSR and the settlement on Polish lands in the years 1955–1959 of approximately 250.000 people as part of the repatriation, resettlement and settlement campaign forced the state administration to create specialized bodies and launch many directional algorithms to implement this complex process. With the appearance of the first wave of “newcomers” on the eastern border, the struggles of the state
administration were preceded by appropriate juristic actions. The functioning of central and local authorities, based on issued legal and executive provisions
regarding the areas of repatriation and settlement, presented in the study, was to ensure its effectiveness, and the positive opinions of “repatriates” were to be proof of the correctness of the actions of political factors. The aim of the article is to demonstrate the importance of the issued legal and executive regulations in the complex process of repatriation of the Polish population to their homeland. The literature listed in the study includes cited items and
publications important for the study, including archival documents and memoir materials. The issues presented in the study cover the legal status as of November 30, 1962. The author shares the view of most experts on the issue
that “repatriation” should provide legal conditions that will ensure proper state care for the returnees, without political conditions.
repatriation, displacements, polish population, deportation, soviet union, politics of displacementReferences
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