Ukrainian Institute of National Memory: its legal situation and the main directions of the activity in 2006–2023

Rafał Czachor

Krakowska Akademia im. A. Frycza Modrzewskiego


In recent decades, some post-communist countries of Central and Eastern Europe, have founded institutions that should undertake historical policy, archive documents, and popularise knowledge about the repressions that took place in the 20th century. Among these countries is Ukraine, where the Ukrainian Institute of National Memory started to operate in 2006. The following article aims to analyse its legal situation and the evolution of the scope of the
activities. The paper is based on all the most important legal acts related to the Ukrainian Institute of National Memory. The paper argues that of crucial importance is the fact that the Institute operates within the structures of the
Executive Power. Such a situation not only limits its capacities but also makes its activities dependent on the current government’s policy. Subordination to the Minister of Culture overwhelmingly determines the nature of the Institute’s activities.


Ukrainian Institute of National Memory, constitutional law of Ukraine, historical policy of Ukraine, legal aspects of the politics of memory

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Cited by

Czachor, R. (2023). Ukrainian Institute of National Memory: its legal situation and the main directions of the activity in 2006–2023. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (62).

Rafał Czachor 
Krakowska Akademia im. A. Frycza Modrzewskiego