Moralność prawa w epoce cyfrowej
The ongoing digital revolution is significantly affecting various aspects of social life. It does not, of course, bypass the area of lawmaking and law application either. The literature sometimes presents radically differing viewpoints
on how digitalization affects the mentioned area. A phenomenon that arouses such divergent opinions deserves in-depth reflection. For this reason, this
article is devoted to this issue. Its primary purpose was to examine whether digitalization and its achievements can improve the quality of law and contribute to the realization of the eight conditions of “good law” in L.L. Fuller’s
view. The analysis shows that information and communication technologies are valuable tools. When used appropriately, they can greatly contribute to fulfilling the requirements mentioned earlier. However, harnessing their potential depends on the knowledge and, more importantly, the will of those responsible for making and applying the law.
law, morality, digitalization, legislation, societyReferences
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