Ensuring energy security as an axiological basis of legal regulations and the role of the state towards society and the economy
The purpose of this paper is primarily to verify the hypothesis that the principle of ensuring energy security is one of the key axiological foundations
of the Constitution for legal regulations. It is a legal principle of prescriptive nature, not merely a postulate, and one of the main functions of the state is to ensure energy security for the economy and society. Energy security is a component of the country’s security and one of the guarantees of its sovereignty and its citizens’ security and safety. It is also one of the normative (prescriptive) principles of the legal system, and thus one of the constitutional values which should form an axiological basis for any detailed legal regulations
adopted in the state. Ensuring energy security is one of the functions of the state, public administration and the law towards society and the economy. Entities enacting and implementing law should take into consideration the
necessity to ensure energy security both for society and entrepreneurs, for whom it is particularly important, especially in terms of fuel and energy supply continuity and the costs of doing business.
energy security, state security, the functions of the state, the functions of public administration, legal principles, the functions of law, fuels and energy.References
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