Energy cooperatives and energy clusters as forms of community energy in Poland
Daria Kostecka-Jurczyk
Uniwersytet Wrocławski
Katarzyna Marak
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu
One of the pillars of the energy transformation in the European Union is the development of renewable energy communities and civic energy communities. The study indicates the differences between these two types of energy
communities in the UE law and discusses the similar organizational and legal forms of an energy cooperative operating under Polish law. The aim of the article is to analyze the legal conditions for the functioning of energy cooperatives and energy clusters in Poland, as well as to point out the shortcomings of the current solutions and, at the same time, the desired changes that could accelerate the development of community energy. In conclusion, we believe that the significant shortcomings of national legal regulations regarding cooperatives and clusters do not constitute a good foundation for their development in the future, and they are not consistent with the EU directives re-
garding community energy, which has an impact on the possibility of obtaining funds from the funds. EU funds are intended to support the development of local energy communities.
energy cooperative, energy cluster, energy transformation, community energyReferences
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