The role of mediation in the French financial market amid the challenges of technological innovation

Mariola Lemonnier

Uniwersytet Łódzki


This publication draws attention to the growing interest in mediation in the financial sector in France. This is the result of the growing risk on the financial market, for which there is often no legal solution. Institutional, private, public and occasional mediation models have been developed in several market segments. However, new trends on the financial market significantly modify this previously harmonious picture. New cyberspace practices, data
management as a product of the financial market and the important role of financing present a new challenge for mediation in the financial market. The main question posed in the article is whether the contemporary mediation
model on the French financial market corresponds to the rapid technological evolution and expansion of new technologies. The answer to this question is
unfortunately negative. Perhaps technology will provide a positive answer, but unfortunately this is not a legal issue. The French mediation model is a dynamic model, apart from the mediation function itself, mediator also plays
a consultative role, and the possibility of translating this model in this aspect to other countries, including Poland, may be useful. The liberalization of financial, banking and insurance structures has not been beneficial to sustainable development due to technological innovations that France have developed in recent years. The solution may be indirect regulation as an element influencing the development of the specific nature of the financial market.
Mediation must also consider not only prevention and information, but also the goal of strengthening financial security on the market. The article uses a dogmatic-legal, descriptive-historical method, and the considerations were
carried out based on French law. The article uses knowledge in the field of finance, which may be a contribution to further interdisciplinary analyses.


French law, financial market, mediation, technological innovations

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Cited by

Lemonnier, M. (2024). The role of mediation in the French financial market amid the challenges of technological innovation. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (63).

Mariola Lemonnier 
Uniwersytet Łódzki
<div class="possitionAndFunctionInfo"> <p style="font-weight: 400;">&nbsp;</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">&nbsp;</p> </div>  Poland