The decision to mandate the availability of the property for conservation, renovation, or emergency repairs

Aleksander Maziarz

Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego w Warszawie


Public authority intervention in the constitutionally protected right of ownership should be a measure of last resort and, therefore, can only occur in the public interest and with fair compensation. Real estate management law
provides for the possibility of such intervention by issuing a decision obliging the property to be made available for conservation, renovation, or emergency repairs. This article analyzes the criteria set out in Article 124b of the Law
and aims to examine whether this provision interferes with the property right only to the extent necessary, considering the scope of planned activities related to conservation, renovation, or emergency repairs. As a result of the conducted analysis, it was found that the conditions for applying this provision were formulated precisely by the legislator. However, in practice, the application of 
this provision raises interpretational difficulties and, as a result, requires clarification, for instance, regarding the concept of renovation or the procedure associated with issuing an administrative decision.


construction law, decision obligating the property to be made available for conservation, renovation, or emergency repairs, building freedom

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Cited by

Maziarz, A. (2024). The decision to mandate the availability of the property for conservation, renovation, or emergency repairs. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (63).

Aleksander Maziarz 
Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego w Warszawie