The right of access to technology for people with disabilities as a subjective right

Ewa Milczarek

Uniwersytet Szczeciński


The intensive development of technology gives people with disabilities opportunities to improve the quality of their lives. However, access to technology is expensive and therefore limited. Technology provision is an important tool for inclusive policies. Against this background, the question arises whether access to such technology is the right of the person with a disability. In this context, the research goal of the article is to answer the question: has there
been a development of a subjective right of access to technology? The work also examined the limits of this right, indicating its objective and subjective scope.
The research methods used in the work are the dogmatic-legal method and the topical theory of legal argumentation. At the same time, it should be cla-
rified that the area for research is international law. The author emphasizes that assistive technology is a key element in eliminating barriers for people
with disabilities, enabling them to fully participate in social, political and economic life. However, despite the existence of various solutions, access to
technology remains difficult, which may lead to growing social inequality. Analysis of the convention indicates that people with disabilities have the right
to request access to assistive technologies, but this is limited to situations where the technology is necessary for the full enjoyment of human rights. The
limits of this subjective right are determined by subjective criteria (individual characteristics of a disabled person) and objective criteria (principles of the country’s policy and infrastructure). The article’s conclusions confirm that access to assistive technologies is an important human right for people with disabilities, and the state has a positive obligation to provide appropriate means to enable its implementation. The need for an active role of the state and integration activities to improve the availability of technology for people with disabilities is mentioned.


right to technology, disability, assistive technologies, human rights

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Cited by

Milczarek, E. (2024). The right of access to technology for people with disabilities as a subjective right. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (65).

Ewa Milczarek 
Uniwersytet Szczeciński