Glossa of approval to the Judgment of the Provincial Administrative Court in Olsztyn of August 24, 2023, ref. No. II SA/Ol 409/23

Aleksandra Kudrzycka-Szypiłło

Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie UWM


This commentary contains arguments supporting the position of the Provincial Administrative Court in Olsztyn regarding the refusal to transfer the
decision on the building permit to a new investor. The aim of the study is to show the ambiguity of the legal provisions and the discrepancies in the interpretation of the legal nature of invalidity regulated in the Act on the Development of the Agricultural System. The study concludes that there are arguments in favour of recognising this invalidity as absolute and relative invalidity. Furthermore, the study shows that a permit for the construction of agricultural buildings can only be issued to an entity that guarantees the agricultural
use of the property. The study concludes that there are arguments in favour of recognising this invalidity as both absolute and relative. Furthermore, the
study shows that a building permit for an agricultural building can only be granted to an entity that guarantees the agricultural use of the property.


building premit, administrative decision, agricultural property, homestead development

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Cited by

Kudrzycka-Szypiłło, A. (2024). Glossa of approval to the Judgment of the Provincial Administrative Court in Olsztyn of August 24, 2023, ref. No. II SA/Ol 409/23. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (65).

Aleksandra Kudrzycka-Szypiłło 
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie UWM