Journal Guidelines
"Legal Studies" Journal Information


1. [Framework legal requirements]

The Journal "Studia Prawnostrojowe” (“Legal Studies”) is a scientific journal of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, to which the following regulations are applicable:

  1. the provisions of the Resolution No. 254 of the Senate of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn of June 21, 2013, on the rules concerning editorial boards of scientific journals at the University of Warmia and Mazury
    in Olsztyn, and the principles of functioning of the editorial boards constituting the Appendix to the Resolution,
  2. these Guidelines.


2. [Editorial Board]
  1. The Editorial Board of the scientific journal "Studia Prawnoustrojowe" organizes collection, evaluation and substantive development of the papers submitted for publication.
  2. The Journal’s Editorial Board is based at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn.
  3. The Journal’s Editorial Board is headed by the Editor-in-Chief.
  4. The Editorial College operates at the Journal’s Editorial Board as an auxiliary apparatus of the Editor-in-Chief.
  5. The Journal’s Scientific and Program Councils are the opinion-making and advisory bodies of the Editor-in-Chief.


3. [Editorial Board, Editor-in-Chief]
  1. The Editorial Board consists of:
  2. Editor-in-Chief as chairman,
  3. Deputy Editor-in-Chief,
  4. Editorial Secretary,
  5. Thematic Editors,
  6. The Editor-in-Chief is appointed under the applicable rules
    by the Rector of UWM.
  7. The Editor-in-Chief submits the applications to the Vice-Rector of UWM, responsible for scientific journals, for the appointment and dismissal of the Deputy Editor-in-Chief and the Secretary of the Editorial Board.
  8. The Editor-in-Chief appoints the remaining members of the Editorial Board,
    including Thematic Editors and Members.
  9. The task of the Editorial Board is to ensure the efficient functioning of the Journal, including collection, evaluation, and substantive development of the submitted papers.

4. [Scientific Council]
  1. The Scientific Council consists of the eminent representatives of legal and related sciences.
  2. The composition of the Scientific Council ensures its internationalization in such a way that the percentage share of the members of the Scientific Council employed in scientific or didactic units in countries other than the country of the Journal is more than 60% of the total number of its members.
  3. The composition of the Scientific Council is determined by the Editor-in-Chief.
  4. The task of the Scientific Council is to monitor the substantive level of the Journal.

5. [Program Council]
  1. The Program Council consists of academic researchers involved in the development of the Journal.
  2. Editor-in-Chief determines the composition of the Program Council.
  3. The task of the Program Council is to provide opinions and general directions of the Journal's development, promote the Journal within the national and international scientific community.

6. [Journal profile]

  1. The thematic scope of the Journal mainly covers legal sciences
    and the bordering problems in security sciences.
  2. The Editor-in-Chief has the right to reject submitted papers in the case they are inconsistent with the Journal’s thematic profile.


7. [Aims of the Journal. Publishing policy]
  1. The aim of the Journal is to publish original scientific studies and research results, to enable scientific discourse on the national and international forum, and to create a broad platform for the exchange of thoughts, ideas, and concepts in an interdisciplinary and multispecialty dimension.
  2. The Journal is open for academic teachers
    and researchers from domestic and foreign academic centres.
  3. The Journal is published in Polish. It is allowed to submit papers in English, French, German, Russian and, if the organizational and financial possibilities of the UWM Publishing House allow it - in other languages.
  4. Publishing policy should lead to the Journal being indexed
    in at least two reference databases.


8. [Publications]
  1. The Journal publishes articles and scientific announcements, research reports, glosses, comments, reviews, bibliographic notes, reports, polemics, memoirs written by academic teachers
    and researchers.
  2. The submitted papers should be original, i.e., not being published in any other scientific journal or publishing house. Moreover, they should not be submitted earlier or at the same time to the editorial boards of other scientific journals.
  3. The Editorial Board reserves the right to introduce changes to the articles,
    to eliminate repetitions, assign titles and subtitles, resign from placing drawings and photographs, and use of abbreviations.
  4. Each published article is assigned a DOI number.


9. [Journal number]
  1. The Journal is quarterly.
  2. Individual issues of the Journal may be periodical, including thematic or special (additional) issues.
  3. Thematic numbers cover a homogeneous complex of scientific issues, linked together by a common title.
  4. Special numbers are jubilee or commemorative issues and
    are dedicated to people of merit for the UWM Faculty of Law and Administration or are related to special events.
  5. Thematic and special issues of the Journal may be published only
    with the consent of the Editor-in-Chief.
  6. Thematic Editor or Thematic Editors of a given issue are responsible for collecting and editing papers for the issue.
10. [Reference version. Submitting works for publication]
  1. The Journal operates within the UWM Journals Web
  2. The reference version of the Journal is its electronic version.
  3. Submissions, Journal correspondence and circulation of the documentation is carried out electronically.
11. [Editing rules]
  1. The edition of the issue includes the following activities:
  2. papers submission or the collecting of the materials by a designated scientific editor or scientific editors for a thematic or special issue,
  3. the completion of the necessary documentation, in particular authors' declarations,
  4. preliminary substantive evaluation of the submitted papers conducted
    by the members of the Editorial Board appointed by Editor-in-Chief,
  5. the decision on the or its repeated review,
  6. the decision on the rejection of the submission in the case of negative reviews,
  7. correspondence with the author or authors to refer to the content of the review,
  8. the acceptance of the submissions for printing or refusal to accept the submissions in the case the author or authors do not refer to the content of the review within the prescribed period,
  9. handing over the complete set of the submitted papers to the UWM Publishing House, which is responsible for further work.
  10. The Editor-in-Chief decides about the rejection of the submission or sends it for the review, as well as the rejection of the submission because of negative reviews, or the acceptance of the submissions for printing or the refusal to accept submissions for printing due to the author or authors not referring to the content of the review within the prescribed period.
  11. In cases where doubts arise after obtaining a review or the authors referring to it, the decisions as to the further procedure are made by Editor-in-Chief.
  12. It is Editor-in-Chief or Deputy Editor-in-Chief who decides whether to place individual submissions in a specific issue, taking
    into account the topic and substantive importance of a given study, as well as the organizational and financial capabilities of the UWM Publishing House, ensuring the fulfilment of the requirements related to the proportion of publications of authors affiliated with UWM and internationalization of the journal.
  13. Editor-in-Chief may at any stage revoke his decision to accept individual submissions without giving a justification, informing the author or authors and the UWM Publishing House about it.


12. [Publishing conditions]
  1. Texts submitted for publication must contain the following data and meet the following requirements:
  2. name and surname of the author/authors,
  3. ORCID numbers, e-mail addresses of the author/authors,
  4. title and structured summary (introduction, the goal of the article and the most essential conclusions) in Polish and English,
  5. keywords (at least 3) in Polish and English,
  6. bibliography, and in the case of Cyrillic, the transliteration of the cited publications according to ISO 9, as well as the translation of the title in square brackets,
  7. footnotes and bibliography must follow the Journal’s editorial requirements which could be found on the Journal's webpage in the tab - Guidelines for Authors,
  8. source of the research funding - in the case of using the external sources of research funding by the author or authors.
  9. Authors are required to submit the Author's declaration in electronic form, containing the information on
  10. the originality of the text,
  11. the compliance with the principles of ghostwriting and guest authorship,
  12. the compliance with ethical standards and the lack of conflict of interest,
  13. the author’s (authors’) consent to the processing of personal data.
  14. The text volume should not exceed 0.5 publishers’ sheets.


13. [Reviewing procedure]

The review procedure is based on the following principles:

  1. each publication is assessed by at least two independent reviewers from outside the research unit affiliated by the author or authors,
  2. the author or authors and the reviewers do not know their identities (double-blind review process),
  3. the review contains an unambiguous request of the reviewer regarding the conditions under which the article should be admitted for publication or rejected,
  4. the review is prepared electronically by using the review form,
  5. the term for the review is one month,
  6. at least 50% of the reviewers are external reviewers, i.e., they are not members of the Scientific Council, they are not employed in the Editorial Board or the entity of the Editor-in-Chief’s affiliation,
  7. the list of the reviewers is published at least once a year on the Journal's web page or in the printed issue of the Journal.


14. [Archiving, unsolicited materials]
  1. The Editorial Board does not archive submitted materials and does not send them back to their authors.
  2. The Editors do not return unsolicited materials and do not confirm
    their receipt.


15. [Other matters]

Decisions in all matters related to the activities of the Journal are not covered by the Journal Guidelines, are made by Editor-in-Chief.


16. [Validity]

These Guidelines are effective from January 1, 2022.