The three theological approaches to St. Joseph: John Paul II, Benedict XVI, Francis
Bogusław Kochaniewicz
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań (Poland)Abstrakt
The study presents three images of St. Joseph included in selected writings of the last three popes: John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Francis. It notes that despite the same data from Scripture, the analysed images are different. Their diversity results from different sources used in theological reflection as well as from different methods of interpretation. John Paul II interprets the figure of the Guardian of the Redeemer in the light of God revealing Himself, carrying out His eternal plan. The emphasis was placed on God’s eternal plan that was actualized in earthly history and in human events. This made it possible to show both the realization of the divine plan in concrete terms, as well as the cooperation, faith and obedience of the carpenters of Nazareth in this work.
In turn, Cardinal Ratzinger shows the figure of Joseph based on the message contained in a Baroque relief of a Portuguese altar. The symbolic language of the anonymous sculptor and the message contained in the Baroque relief allowed the theologian to draw attention to certain aspects that are difficult to see in the Gospels of Childhood.
On the other hand, the image of Joseph presented by Pope Francis emphasizes the paternity of the Patriarch, expressing a certain analogy to the paternity of God towards Israel and the paternity of God to His Son. From this perspective, Joseph’s paternity appears to be a shadow of God’s paternity. This term refers to the title of a novel by Jan Dobraczyński, the message of which influenced the content of the theological icon in the document of Pope Francis.
This study found that, despite the limited data on Joseph in Scripture, thanks to the theological sources used and the new interpretative methods used, it was possible to show new, original images of the Guardian of the Redeemer, which allow future generations of Christians to better understand the role and place of St. Joseph in the history of salvation and in the life of the Church.
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Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań (Poland)