Author's Statement

Name and surname of the author (s): ………………………………………………………..

Degree and academic title: ……………………………………………………………………

ORCID (Individual number in the international system for the identification of authors of scientific papers): ……………………………………………….

Affiliation: ……………………………………………….




I declare that the article/review * ………………………………………………………………


submitted for publication in a scientific journal “Forum Teologiczne” [Theological Forum]: 

  1. has not been / has so far been published / published under the same or a different title,
  2. does not form part of another publication,
  3. was / was not sent / sent to another editorial office for publication.

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2) The following people were involved in the preparation of this article: …………….. …………………………………, co-authorship is entitled ……………………………… …………………………………., the following institutions participated in the financing of the research resulting in the article: …………….……..……………………………………… .

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The text of the study was corrected in line with the reviewers' comments. I guarantee that the submitted work has the final content and form, I agree to make stylistic, linguistic and other editorial corrections.


                     (place, date)                                                             (author's signature)


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     (Place, date)                                                                     (the applicant's signature)