1. Text length
The text of the article should not exceed the length of 30,000 characters (spaces included), and review or reports – 6,000. The preferred text font is Times New Roman 12, line spacing 1.5; footnotes: 10, single line spacing

2. Deadline for submitting texts:

The texts which are received by the end of November in a given year will be published in an issue appearing in the middle of the next year. You can send the electronic version on email: forum.teologiczne@uwm.edu.pl
or to the platform.

The editors of "Forum Teologii" accept texts that have not been published anywhere before. Submitted articles are subject to the procedure of initial evaluation by the Editors and review (see Reviewing rules). The author is informed about the evaluation. If approved for publication, the author should respond to the reviewers' comments and make the required corrections.

3. Additional information

The following should be enclosed with each text:
–     first name and last name, address
–     ORCID Id
–     information on the author’s affiliation
–     summary in English and in the original language (if it is possible, in Polish too), containing 1500 characters (the summary should explain the title – it may be repeated – and provide information indicating the scientific value of the study – what, how, conclusions. You must include the most important content, concisely and completely. It is also necessary to provide the research thesis/hypothesis, indicate the purpose and method of scientific work)
–     list of key words (5 words) in English and in the original language (and in Polish, if it is possible); key words are terms that are intended to help the reader find the content they are looking for; they cannot be too vague or too unique
–     list of abbreviations used by the author in the text or footnotes
–    List of bibliography appearing in the article
–     Authors with a master's degree and doctoral students are asked to attach to the materials sent the opinion of the promoter or other independent researcher, confirming compliance with the formal requirements for scientific texts.
–    Statement - Declaration of authors.

4. Bibliographic record

The Harvard bibliographic record style, i.e. the bibliographic information is placed in the text in parentheses, the last name of the author and the initial of the name as well as the date of issue and the page number are given, eg: (Szymik S., 2014, p. 10), in the case of several bibliographic entries, they are separated by a semicolon. In references to several bibliographic entries by the same author, issued in one year, individual items should be distinguished by adding small letters “a”, “b”, “c”, etc., eg (Buxakowski J., 2006a, p.) (Buxakowski J., 2006b, p. 119); this distinction must be included in the bibliographical list attached to the text.

Attachment bibliography arranged according to the alphabet. Each record has the following structure: Last Name First name, Year of publication, Title of the work (in italics), Publisher / Title of the Journal together with the number / Title of the collective work (in the case of collective work preceding the informant “in:”), Place of publication (not applicable to magazines), Pages (concerns chapters in collective works and articles in magazines).


  • Buxakowski Jerzy, 2006a, Bóg Trójjedyny w Trójcy Osób. Teologia prawd wiary, vol. 3, Bernardinum, Pelplin.
  • Buxakowski Jerzy, 2006b,  Franciszek Sawicki – myśliciel pelpliński, in: Jacek Jezierski, Katarzyna Parzych (eds.), Wybitni teologowie XX wieku. Krąg języka niemieckiego, Warmińskie Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne, Olsztyn, p. 119-237.
  • Franciszek, 2015, Orędzie papieża Franciszka na XLIX Światowy Dzień Środków Społecznego Przekazu (23 I 2015), in: The Holy See[online], access: 17.02.2015, <https://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/pl/messages/communications/documents/papa-francesco_20150123_messaggio-comunicazioni-sociali.html>.
  • Pius XII, 1943, Divino afflante Spiritu, Acta Apostolicae Sedis, No. 35, p. 297-325.
  • Rusecki Marian, 2004, Chrystologiczne podstawy dialogu międzyreligijnego, w: Dialog międzyreligijny, Henryk Zimoń (ed.), Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, Lublin, p. 29-64.
  • Sakowicz Eugeniusz, 2006a, Pryncipia dialogu Kościoła katolickiego z religiami Dalekiego Wschodu i Indii, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego, Warszawa.
  • Szymik Stefan, 2014, Starotestamentowe, judaistyczne i grecko-rzymskie pojęcie sumienia, Forum Teologiczne, vol. 15, p. 7-21.
  • Carbajo Núñez Martín, 2019, The importance of family relationships for the economic development of socjety, Forum Teologiczne, vol. 20, p. 7-18; doi:10.31648/ft.4799.

In the footnotes (marked with consecutive numbers) you can place additional information (digressions, polemics, supplements, etc.). In the footnotes references to literature should also be made according to the Harvard style.

5. Quotations

  • Quotations from the Bible in the text and in footnotes should be italicized (without quotation marks). All other quotations placed in the text and in footnotes should be put in quotation marks: "xxx" (without italics).
  • All quotations should be carefully verified against the source. Quotations from the Bible should be according to the Millennium Bible.
  • When quoting poetry or drama, the layout of the original (division into strophes, line indentations) should be retained. In quotations from prose or from scientific papers, paragraph indentations and parts in special typeface of the original should also be retained. All changes in a quotation and additional parts in special typeface must be provided with an annotation in square brackets.
  • Quotations should be provided with a bibliographical note.
  • Passages omitted in quotations should be marked with three dots in square brackets.

 6. Authors are bound by published guidelines concerning the preparation of texts for the journal, placed on the website (“Author Guidelines”) or on the third page of the cover in the paper edition.

7. Authors should take into account the rules adopted by the Editors, described in the tabs:
- Publishing calendar
- Publishing policy
- Publication ethics
- Review process

8. Authors must know the provisions arising from the Copyright and Related Rights Act (Polish Journal of Laws No. 24 of 23.02.1994) and observe them.
