Zdzisław J. Kijas
The John Paul II Pontifical University in Krakow (Poland)Abstract
This article presents an analysis of the mystical experiences of the little-known Servant of God, Sister Hilaria. (May 8, 1888-September 17, 1939), member of the Congregation of the Little Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (honoratki).
After a brief biographical introduction, the article describes the beginning of Sister Główczyńska’s mystical experiences and the spiritual “Diary” in which she recorded her inner communications with Jesus. Next, the article takes a closer look at Jesus’ words addressed to Sister Hilaria. It dwells on a long list of intentions (requests), with which Christ confronts the Servant of God, asking her for prayer and various forms of sacrifice, fasting or mortification, which she should offer for the conversion of sinners, people affected by vices or various addictions. Jesus asks St. Hilaria to intercede for those who have weakened in their zeal in the service of God or have even strayed from the path of their vocation (cf. Bishop Kowalski).
The author analyzes Sister Hilaria’s spiritual experiences and describes this type of mysticism as “intercessory mysticism”. This is a certain novelty compared to previously known mystical experiences, especially Polish ones. Jesus not only reveals himself as a God full of merciful love, but also as a God deeply involved in the life of each person whom he calls by name.
soul, God, experience, intercession, mysticism, prayer, actsReferences
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The John Paul II Pontifical University in Krakow (Poland)
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