Martín Carbajo Núñez
Pontifical University Antonianum, Rome (Italy)Abstract
This article presents three models of leadership (part 1) and analyzes the characteristics it should have in the Church (part 2) and in the Christian family (part 4). Francis of Assisi serves as a good example (part 3). Rather than being mere teachers, the leaders of the Christian community must be humble and compassionate witnesses who «collaborate in the flow of grace and intuit where the Spirit leads». They must exercise their leadership as a generous service, imitating the Incarnate Word, who «did not come to be served, but to serve» (Mt 20:28). They must have the capacity to inspire others and lead them to discernment, creativity, and enthusiastic commitment in common life. The Synod 2021–2024 also stressed the importance of listening, collaboration, and participatory decision-making.
leadership, synodality, Francis of Assisi, family, ethicsReferences
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Pontifical University Antonianum, Rome (Italy)
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