Fraternity, familial relationships, and politics in the light of the encyclical Fratelli tutti
Braterstwo, relacje rodzinne i polityka w świetle encykliki Fratelli tutti
Martín Carbajo Núñez
University of San Diego: San Diego, CA, USAbstract
Based on the dignity and intrinsic sociability of the human person, this article asserts the importance of fraternity and family relationships in social life and in politics. Too many dreams about political integration have been shattered lately, while new walls of aggressive nationalism and isolationism are being built. In this situation, people everywhere feel the need for good politics and for “a healthy injection of family spirit.” (AL 183) In fact, there can be no universal fraternity without good politics, “built upon respect for law and frank dialogue between individuals.” (FT 196)
fraternity, politics, familial relationships, Fratelli tutti, populismSupporting Agencies
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University of San Diego: San Diego, CA, US