Anna Komendzińska

Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu


St. Joseph, the husband of Mary and guardian of Jesus, is silent in all of the four gospels. In spite of (or perhaps due to) this fact, his veneration has been largely inspired by apocryphal imagery and folk piety. The article portrays St. Joseph as a character in old carols, pastoral songs and pastoral plays and addresses the problem of roles performed by St. Joseph at the manger. The author poses the question of whether Joseph is a good-natured old man or an ideal of masculinity, a man who submits himself to God’s plans. She also explores Christmas songs where Joseph is not merely a stock character. The paper is enriched by numerous quotations from the collection Kantyczki karmelitańskie [The Carmelite Canticles] and anthology Staropolskie pastorałki dramatyczne [Old Polish pastoral plays] edited by Jan Okoń. Last, but not least, the author makes use of the hitherto unpublished and unedited music manuscripts held at the Diocese Library in Sandomierz, believing that an analysis of Christmas songs should always incorporate their musical features.


Saint Joseph, pastoral song, pastorella,, Christmas,, Holy Family

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Cited by

Komendzińska, A. (2017). “OH, JOSEPH! WHAT DO YE WANT?” ‘OLD’ JOSEPH IN TRADITIONAL POLISH CAROLS AND PASTORAL SONGS. THE ORDINARY SAINT. Forum Teologiczne, 18, 61–74. https://doi.org/10.31648/ft.1668

Anna Komendzińska 
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu