Marta Kowalczyk
The issues related to the community of All Saints can be found in the revelations of the
mystics from the Middle Ages – Gertrude the Great, Bridget of Sweden and Dorothea of Montau.
Reflecting on the words of Christ, each of these mystics wished to be saint and wanted others to be
saint. Gertrude the Great highlighted the value of intercession of all saints. This is why she prepared
a litany in honor of All Saints. Gertrude encouraged people to celebrate their baptism in order to
renew the awareness of being a child of God. According to Gertrude the Great, a crucial role in our
personal holiness playe reason, free will and judgment of conscience which determine our decisions
and behaviors. In her works, Bridget of Sweden stigmatizes what is unholy to make sure everyone
is able to see what is holy. According to Bridget, it is essential that we remember about All Saints
because they accompany Christ the King when judging souls and on the Judgment Day, as the Bible
states. In her works, Bridget fought for holiness and improvement of other people’s lives. According
to Dorothea of Montau, the primary condition on the way to community of All Saints is following
Mary and the saints. As Dorothea claimed, Christ wants us to direct our prayers and pleas straight to
God. According to Dorothea, saints are to deal with other more important issues than handing particular
prayers to Christ. Mystics held that people who needed sacrum should be courageous and open
to saints’ secrets and look into the future.
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