Ryszard Hajduk

Wydział Teologii, Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie


The Shrine of Our Lady of Aparecida is located on the road between the two most important
cities in south-eastern Brazil – São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro and is one of the largest of the
Marian sanctuaries in the world. Every year, 12 million people come to this place to honour the
Patron of Brazil. It presents a figure of the Black Madonna, which in October 1717, fishermen found
in the Paraíba river. The dark colour of the Madonna’s skin from Aparecida reminds their descendants
of slaves imported to Brazil from Africa. The Brazilians make pilgrimages to their Mother to
ask her for help and discover the power of God’s love, which is reflected by the motherly love of Our
Lady of Aparecida. Arriving at the sanctuary, the faithful find a sense of security, but also experience
belonging to a living community of faith. From Mary – the first and perfect disciple of Jesus, they
learn the authentic Christian life. In her presence, they strengthen their dignity as children of God
and take an attitude of readiness to participate in the mission of transforming this world into the
kingdom of God.


evangelization, sanctuary, pilgrimage, Virgin Mary, popular piety

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Cited by

Hajduk, R. (2018). OUR LADY OF APARECIDA – THE PATRON OF BRAZIL. Forum Teologiczne, 19, 105–116. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.uwm.edu.pl/index.php/ft/article/view/3104

Ryszard Hajduk 
Wydział Teologii, Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie