The feast of the Virgin of Urcupiña

Luis Llanos Sanchez

Facultad de Teologia "San Pablo", Cochabamba, Bolivia


This article describes the feast of the Virgin of Urcupiña which is popular in the district
of Cochabamba – Bolivia. Celebrations of this Marian feast have crossed the Bolivian borders.
Pilgrims from all over the country and from abroad are welcomed here in August each year. In general,
Bolivian immigrants return to celebrate the image of the Virgin during celebrations in
Urcupiña. First, the article shows the origin of the feast and the tradition associated with the appearance
of a beautiful Woman to a little shepherd girl on the hill Quillacollo. Since that time, pastoral
projects of the archdiocese of Cochabamba have been developing to increase devotion and piety for
Our Lady. These initiatives include the pilgrimage, the Eucharist as the central axis of the celebrations
and the practice of some Andean rituals performed by men and women from these territories.
The cult of ancestors is maintained here which reflects religious syncretism grew out of the reinterpretation
of rituals such as k’oa, ch’alla and lighting candles. They are therefore ceremonies penetrated
by deep popular religiosity, which gathers crowds manifesting their piety, folklore and some
pre-Columbian customs


Virgin of Urkupiña, folk religiosity, Andean rituals and pilgrimages

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Cited by

Llanos Sanchez, L. (2018). The feast of the Virgin of Urcupiña. Forum Teologiczne, 19, 117–124. Retrieved from

Luis Llanos Sanchez 
Facultad de Teologia "San Pablo", Cochabamba, Bolivia