Melchior Cano’s De locis theologicis as the warning for theologians

Stanisław Bafia

Wydział Teologii, Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie


This article analyses a problem concerning an important period in the development of
the Catholic theology. Extrachurch reform movements have constantly provided a specific impulse
to create new theological views. The major event of the reform of the Catholic Church was without
a doubt the Tridentine Council, as the theologians’ efforts were officially accepted by chief Church
institutions. Among theologians, a special position is occupied by Melchior Cano because of the De
locis theologicis (O źródłach teologii) – an opus is delivered to Polish readers by professor Bishop
Julian Wojtkowski. For this, we should show great gratitude and respect. Let us hope that the expression
of these attitudes will be the reading of this book. Because of the interests of the author of the
article, special attention is placed on the meaning of this philosophy in theology according to
M. Cano.


De locis theologicis, theological places, the Tridentine theology, sources of the theology, Melchior Cano.

Cano M., O źródłach teologii, tłum. J. Wojtkowski, Olsztyn 2016.
Dzieje teologii katolickiej w Polsce, t. 2: Od Odrodzenia do Oświecenia, cz. 1: Teologia humanistyczna, red. M. Rechowicz, Lublin 1975.
Grabmann M., Geschichte der katholischen Theologie seit dem Ausgang der Väterzeit, Freiburg im Breisgau 1933.
Illanes J.L., Saranyana, T.J., Historia teologii, tłum. P. Rak, red. naukowa T. Dzidek, Kraków 1997.
Koch M., Agricola Rudolf Frisius, w: LthK, Freiburg im Breisgau 1986, t. 1, kol. 208.
Lang A., Cano (Canus) Melchior, w: LthK, Freiburg im Breisgau 1986, t. 2, kol. 918.
Tellechea J.I., Carranza Bartholome OP, w: LthK, Freiburg im Breisgau 1986, t. 2, kol. 957.


Cited by

Bafia, S. (2018). Melchior Cano’s De locis theologicis as the warning for theologians. Forum Teologiczne, 19, 205–216. Retrieved from

Stanisław Bafia 
Wydział Teologii, Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie