The philosophical-theological synthesis of Christian anthropology of Edith Stein

Maksym Adam Kopiec

Pontifica Universita Antonianum, Roma, Italia


The present text shows in which degree – touching the development intellectual, spiritual,
ethical – Edith Stein takes into account the necessity of the exit outside the phenomenology
conception „of the pure mind”. Stein is conscious of the composed the process of the recognition and
the effort of getting of the truth. Inwards Christian discovers the necessity of the spiritual path and
mystical on the epistemological plane. The sole „return to the creature/of the thing” (Husserl) is not
an ultimatum of the cognitive conduct of the philosophy. Indispensable, according to her mind, is the
spiritual path which does not have nothing in common with the mysticism – in such meaning which
Husserl granted to it. The spirituality is indispensable in the gnosiology, especially in such areas of
the knowledge as philosophical and theological anthropology. Decisive for her researching development
was „the meeting” with authors of the Christian classics of such as Augustine, Thomas,
Bonaventure, Jan Duns Szkot and other more contemporary. The Christian personalism, the opening to the Transcendences (auto-trenscendency), the conception „of the logos”, „the exit outside themselves
without leaving of the own subjectivity”, you let on will avoid the epistemological egoism,
the subjectivism and in effect the relativism – ways nowhere (the nihilism). It is up to the reader to
appraise the value of the Edith Stein’ perspective, her originality, the place inwards Christian and the
rightness of the synthetic seizure of the problem in the article.


Cited by

Kopiec, M. A. (2018). The philosophical-theological synthesis of Christian anthropology of Edith Stein. Forum Teologiczne, 19, 217–234. Retrieved from

Maksym Adam Kopiec 
Pontifica Universita Antonianum, Roma, Italia