Aboreng Useni James

Wydział Teologiczny, Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie


Since religion is of paramount importance to the human person, where there are religious
differences, there are also bound to be essential and overriding disagreements. Today, more than
ever and with uncommon ease, men and women can participate in a worldwide exchange of ideas
and information, having overcome the initial constraints of space and time. Owing to the effectiveness
and tremendous benefits in this information age, with the advancement and the increased availability
of the mass media at the disposal of the modern world, made it most accessible and most
effective means of reaching every man and woman. Therefore, the mass media qualifies in the opinion
of many as the chief means of information, education, and guidance in today’s world.
Experience, however, shows that there is indeed a growing cleavage between theory and practice,
between the overrun rhetoric and the reality as far as the Church’s use of the media for evangelization
is concerned. There is a sense, therefore, in which a constant habit and neglect of the means of
evangelization is alarming, as many tried to draw the attention of the Church to this neglect of the
media with its attendant consequences in the society today. This piece, therefore, intends to express
the effectiveness of the mass media for the Churches evangelization mission as well as religious
unity and ecumenism in Nigeria.


Denominations, Evangelization, Ecumenism, Religion Unity and Mass Media

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Pius XI, Encyclical Letter on the Motion Picture “Vigilanti Cura” (29.06.1936), in: The Holy See[online], access: 27.04.2018, <>.
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Vatican Council II, Decree “Ad Gentes” (7.12.1965), in: Vatican II: Conciliar and Post Conciliar Documents, Mumbai: St. Pauls 2007.
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Cited by

Useni James, A. (2018). MASS MEDIA AS AN EFFECTIVE TOOL FOR EVANGELIZATION AND RELIGIOUS UNITY IN NIGERIA. Forum Teologiczne, 19, 235–250. Retrieved from

Aboreng Useni James 
Wydział Teologiczny, Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie