Ryszard Hajduk

Wydział Teologii, Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie

Maksym Adam Kopiec


In the contemporary age that questions the existence of objective truth and the possibility
of knowing it, the Church proclaims to the world the truth that is derived from the divine Logos.
This is the truth about God’s love that appears most fully in the person of the Son of God, Jesus
Christ. He reveals the truth of God which is love, the truth about man, his calling and destiny. In the light of God’s truth, man can look at himself with love. Practicing love, he can also transform himself in God’s image and likeness. The truth proclaimed by Christianity demonstrates to people how to properly use the freedom they have. It is the basis for creating social structures that support integral human development and create healthy interpersonal relationships. It does not allow man to be subordinated to economic indicators and scientific and technical progress. Thanks to the objective truth, ethical norms find their deepest justification and regulate the function of individuals and social factors, helping to solve problems which appear in social and political life, as well as in business and economics.


Gospel, humanism, Christianity, wisdom, social life, business

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Cited by

Hajduk, R., & Kopiec, M. A. (2019). CHRISTIAN LIFE AS REALIZING TRUTH. Forum Teologiczne, 20, 47–59.

Ryszard Hajduk 
Wydział Teologii, Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
Maksym Adam Kopiec