Text Theory of the Homily in the Context of the Theology of Creation

Michał Klementowicz


Preparation of the homily text requires respecting the principles developed in the linguistics of the text. Thanks to this, it is possible to create a coherent structure with proper limits of the statement. It also pertains to preaching in matters of the biblical content about creation. The coherence of the text is determined here by the content published in the Mass Lectionary. It constitutes the prototext (primary text) which, if written properly (well actualized), can make up the intratext of the homily (inside coherent structure). The preaching constructed in this way gives an opportunity to create an intertext (text referring to other texts), where the preacher can refer to other fields of knowledge, developing the content of creation taken from God’s Revelation.


actualization, Mass Lectionary, homily, text, theology of creation

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Cited by

Klementowicz, M. (2020). Text Theory of the Homily in the Context of the Theology of Creation. Forum Teologiczne, (21), 139–148. https://doi.org/10.31648/ft.6092

Michał Klementowicz