Zdzisław Kieliszek
Wydział Teologii Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie (Polska)Abstract
The life of Immanuel Kant is usually perceived as an uninteresting research area. Moreover, it is often indicated that there is a huge disproportion between Kant’s biography and his philosophical achievements. While Kant’s biography is usually assessed as devoid of any sudden, noticeable turns and events, Kant’s philosophy is considered to be the work of an extremely penetrating, critical and vivid mind. Hence, the fate of Kant is rarely discussed and analysed, especially in Polish literature. On the other hand, there are also studies that deal with specific issues from Kant’s philosophy. Meanwhile, it should not be forgotten that Kant’s philosophical ideas were the work of a specific man who had his own unique life turns and personality traits shaped by specific previous life experiences. Moreover, Kant himself pointed out that his beliefs were significantly influenced by the experiences he learned from his family home. This article discusses the relations between the philosopher and his parents, siblings and further relatives. Based on the observations obtained, it would be worth taking up the following topic in subsequent searches: Why, having experience from his family home, did Kant not start his own family ? Therefore, this article enlarges the sparse Polish-language literature in which Kant's life is presented; in this case, it is about his relations with his relatives.
Immanuel Kant, rodzina, relacje rodzinne, relacja z matką, relacja z ojcem, relacja z rodzeństwem, relacja z krewnymiReferences
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Wydział Teologii Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie (Polska)