The Young Generation on Family and Marriage in Social Media

Adam Bielinowicz

Faculty of Theology University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (Poland)


The purpose of this article is to find out what young people think about the image of the family and marriage they have encountered in social media. The publication will present the results of research using the diagnostic survey method. The use of this method allowed for the collection of data necessary to solve specific research problems. The research was carried out on 116 secondary school students, including 84 girls and 32 boys. All respondents are residents of the Warmińsko-Mazurskie voivodship. The research involved a survey on the respondents’ perception of the image of marriage and family that reached them through social networks. In addition, the respondents' views on the possible impact of the discussed image of marriage and family on people who are in adolescence were analysed, as well as a description of photos, graphics and jokes that the respondents remembered. The conclusion presents the results from the conducted research. It presents the postulates concerning both the possibility of using the positive potential of social media and the negative phenomena related to the growing popularity of websites, which very often promote anti-values and undermine the traditional role of marriage and family.


Internet, youth, family, marriage, social media

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Cited by

Bielinowicz, A. . (2021). The Young Generation on Family and Marriage in Social Media. Forum Teologiczne, 22, 95–109.

Adam Bielinowicz 
Faculty of Theology University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (Poland)