Role of the family in the spiritual formation of Karol Wojtyła

Marzena Rachwalska

Pontifical Faculty of Theology in Wrocław (Poland)


The Wojtyła family is a special family which, in God's plan, is an example of heroic faith, hope and love. The Pope's parents were his role model and the perfect foundation for his journey to holiness. Prayer and the sacraments were a means of union with God. They fulfilled God's will by living in the spirit of the Gospel and total devotion to Mary - Totus Tuus. Following the life and pontificate of John Paul II, the above article shows and illustrates the influence of parents on Karol, the future pope. Therefore, it is a great inspiration for families, educators, and caregivers who are nowadays looking for original, charismatic authorities that will inspire and lead them to the right path.

In 2020, when the 100th anniversary of St. John Paul II’s birth was celebrated, on May 7, the Episcopate consented to the commencement of the beatification process of Karol and Emilia Wojtyła by the Archdiocese of Krakow. Thus, the Holy See was asked to start the process at the diocesan level.

The initiation of the beatification process of Pope Wojtyła's elder brother Edmund remains an open issue. He died in 1932, taking care of his sick patients at the hospital in Bielsko. Edmund received the title of Doctor of Medicine at the Jagiellonian University on March 29, 1930. The beatification committee was established in 1997.

Karol Wojtyła's family did not differ from the average Catholic family of that time. What distinguishes this family today is Love and Faithfulness to God and people. Devotion, service and humility. Holiness is a gift that the baptized receive with the first sacrament. As such, this gift should be nurtured and developed in the Catholic Church community through sacramental life and a life of prayer. The Wojtyła family is an example of fulfilling God's will in everyday life. It abided with God and continues to do so.


Karol Wojtyła, Emilia and Karol Wojtyła, spiritual formation, spirituality, holiness, prayer

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Cited by

Rachwalska, M. . (2021). Role of the family in the spiritual formation of Karol Wojtyła. Forum Teologiczne, 22, 141–155.

Marzena Rachwalska 
Pontifical Faculty of Theology in Wrocław (Poland)