Crisis of Family Realities in Taiwan: Chiara Lubich’s Concept of „Unity“ as the Possible Core Path of Reconciliation

Sonja Meiting Huang

Fu Jen Catholic University


From the Past to the Present, Taiwan, as part of Chinese culture circle, has experienced distinct changes of family reality. Politics, economy, migration, and globalization have been or are the crucial factors to influence on the families. Polygamy, extended family, nuclear family, transnational family, same-sex marriage and diversified family construct the contexts of families in Taiwan. These multi-family forms seem to ingratiate themselves with the popular concept „diversity” which is articulated since 21th century. Many people think that “diversity” could eliminate conflicts, because not any part will be ignored; “diversity” shows tolerance, progress of society. In fact, there are at the same time more and more conflicts and problems occurred because of diversity. How would be the potential causes of problems? And how could these problems and conflicts in the families be dealt with? The core solutions seem not easy to find. Since 1960s, Chiara Lubich’s concepts: “unity,” “mutual love” and “the model of new family” were spread into Taiwan. Her concepts influence on many families to live in a new way. In this paper, some historical and current family models in Taiwan as well as the relation between the Chiara Lubich’s concept of “unity” and families will be explored to see whether her concepts could be the possible path to reconcile the conflicts of families, and how it could be possibly put into practice.

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Cited by

Huang, S. M. . (2022). Crisis of Family Realities in Taiwan: Chiara Lubich’s Concept of „Unity“ as the Possible Core Path of Reconciliation. Forum Teologiczne, 23, 115–126.

Sonja Meiting Huang 
Fu Jen Catholic University