Relationships within the traditional Gidar family (northern Cameroon) on the basis of local orature

Jarosław Różański

Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw (Poland)


Common to all of Africa is the attitude of the family towards procreation. It can safely be said that in the Gidar understanding, the family is more a community of mother and father than of husband and wife. The father was the unquestioned authority and traditional head of the family. The decisive voice was his, and everyone owed him absolute obedience. The woman clearly felt her inferiority, which was approved by all and confirmed by dozens of everyday, traditional rules of life. Children were a great gift, and their absence a sign of a curse. Therefore there was no occurrence of orphans, in the sense of children being left without caregivers. For orphans were never abandoned; there was always someone who would take care of them. This does not mean that their life was an easy one. The deceased ancestors were still involved in the daily events of family life, especially at times of sowing and harvesting, of initiations and of marriages.

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Cited by

Różański, J. (2022). Relationships within the traditional Gidar family (northern Cameroon) on the basis of local orature. Forum Teologiczne, 23, 93–103.

Jarosław Różański 
Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw (Poland)