I dilemmi di Giuseppe di Nazareth
Paweł Sambor
Pontificia Universita Antonianum, Roma (Italia)Abstract
In the article we propose an existential reconsideration of the passages of the Gospel regarding the figure of Joseph of Nazareth, trying to understand the human aspect not only of the situation in which he found himself, but also of his choices. In this article we highlight three possible forms of human dilemma for Joseph. First of all, we examine the religious dilemma which occasioned the difficult choice between the demands of the Law and the intention to save Mary's reputation. Secondly, we examine the social dilemma concerning Joseph's reputation for in a certain sense taking responsibility for Mary's pregnancy. Finally, we examine the existential dilemma concerning not only the acceptance of a different form of fatherhood (by adoption), but also the daily effort of discovering a way of being a father for Jesus, who is aware of being God’s Son.
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Pontificia Universita Antonianum, Roma (Italia)