Martín Carbajo Núñez
Pontifical University Antonianum Rome Italy; Alfonsian Academy (Pontifical Lateran University) Rome, Italy; FST – San Diego University, CA, USAhttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-2814-5688
W artykule autor potwierdza znaczenie relacji rodzinnych dla rozwoju gospodarczego
społeczeństwa. W pierwszej części ukazuje, że w wielu aspektach globalny system gospodarczy jest
pozbawiony dóbr relacyjnych. Zakładając, że ludzka rodzina „jest pierwszą i najważniejszą szkołą
miłosierdzia”, w drugiej części podkreśla, że również w dziedzinie ekonomii trzeba wprowadzić
w życie relacje oparte na miłosierdziu, mające pierwszeństwo przed posiadaniem i nieodwołujące
się do „niewidzialnej ręki rynku”, aby usprawiedliwić obojętność wobec ludzi i natury. W trzeciej
części autor przedstawił wybrane aktualne inicjatywy, które definiują znaczenie relacji rodzinnych
dla integralnego rozwoju.
Adorno Theodor W. and Max Horkheimer, 1998, Dialectic of Enlightenment, Continuum, New York.
Andreoni Antonio and Vittorio Pelligra, 2009, Microfinanza. Dare credito alle relazioni, Il Mulino, Bologna.
Aristotle, 2012, Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethic, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
Arrow Kenneth J., 1972, Gifts and Exchanges, Philosophy and Public Affairs, 1, p. 343–362.
Bazzichi O, 2005, Valenza antropologica del discorso economico francescano. Dai Monti di pietà alle proposte odierne di finanza etica, Miscellanea Francescana, 3–4, p. 480–500.
Benedict XVI, 2009, The Encyclical Letter Caritas in Veritate, Vatican City.
Benedict XVI, 2012, Homily, 7th world meeting of families, 3.06.2012, w: Insegnamenti di Benedetto XVI, VIII/1 (2012), LEV, Vatican City, p. 693–697.
Brezina Corona, 2012, Understanding the Gross Domestic Product and the Gross National Product, Rosen, New York.
Brown Peter Robert Lamont, 1978, The Making of Late Antiquity, Harvard University Press, Cambridge Mass.
Bruni Luigino, 2006a, Serpenti e colombe. per una teoria della reciprocità plural e pluralista, in: P.L. Sacco and Stefano Zamagni (eds.), Teoria economica e relazioni interpersonali, Il Mulino, Bologna, p. 53–92.
Bruni Luigino, 2006b, Il prezzo della gratuità, Città Nuova Editrice, San Martino Buon Albergo. Carbajo Núñez Martin, 2017a, A Free and Fraternal Economy. The Franciscan Perspective, Ed. Tau, Phoenix.
Carbajo Núñez Martin, 2017b, Sister Mother Earth. Franciscan Roots of the Laudato Si’, Ed. Tau, Phoenix.
Cornelio Tacito C., 1815, Gli Annali di C. Cornelio Tacito, IV.
Economy of Communion, 2018, in: Focolare Movement [online], access: 6.06.2018, <www.focolare.org/usa/professional-life/economy-of-communion/>.
Francis, 2015, The Encyclical Letter Laudato Si’, Vatican City.
Francis, 2016, Address to the members of the diplomatic corps accredited to the Holy See, L’Osservatore Romano, 156/7 (11/12.01.2016), p. 4–5.
Gans Joshua et al., 2012, Principles of Economics, Cengage, South Melbourne.
Genovesi Antonio, 1769, Lezioni di commercio, o sia d’economia civile, Remondini, Bassano.
Gintis Herbert, 2009, The Bounds of Reason. Game Theory and the Unification of the Behavioral Sciences, Princeton University Press, Princeton.
Henrich Joseph et al, 2001, In Search of Homo Economicus: Behavioral Experiments in 15 Small-Scale Societies, American Economic Review 91/2, p. 73–78.
Hobbes Thomas, 1642, De cive, c. 1,12, London.
Hobbes Thomas, 1651, The Leviathan, London.
Huntington Samuel P., 1997, The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order, Penguin, New York.
ISTAT, 2017, Censimento permanente della istituzioni non profit. Primi risultati, 20.12.2017,|in: Forum Terzo Settore [online], access: 18.05.2018, <http://www.forumterzosettore.it/files/2017/12/Nota-stampa-censimento-non-profit.pdf>.
John Paul II, 1991, The Encyclical Letter Centesimus Annus, Vatican City.
Monno, Michele, 2008, Geopolitica e nuove povertà. Fermare il decline italiano, Barletta, Rotas.
Muratori L.A., 1996, Della pubblica felicità oggetto dei buoni principi, Donzelli, Roma.
New Economics Foundation [online], 2018, access: 2.11.2018, <https://neweconomics.org/seaarch?serach=happiness+index>.
Paul VI, 1967, The Encyclical Letter Populorum Progressio, Vatican City.
Piana Giannino, 2008, Efficienza e solidarietà. L’etica economica nel contest della globalizzazione, Effata Editrice, Cantalupa.
Pieper Joseph, 1997, Faith, Hope, Love, Ignatius, San Francisco.
Polanyi Karl, 1968, Primitive, Archaic, and Modern Economies, Anchor Books, Doubleday.
Poundstone William, 2011, Prisoner’s Dilema, Anchor Books, New York.
Putnam Robert D., 2000, Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community, Simon and Schuster, New York.
Yunus Muhammad and Alan Jolis, 2001, Banker to the Poor. The Autobiography of Muhammad Yunus, Founder of Grameen Bank, Oxford University Press, Karachi.
Yunus Muhammad, 2007, Banker to the Poor. Micro-lending and the Battle Against World Poverty, Public Affairs, New York.
Yunus Muhammad, 2008, El banquero de los pobres. Los microcréditos y la batalla contra la pobreza en el mundo, Paidós, Barcelona.
Zamagni Stefano, 2006, L’economia comme se la persona contasse. Verso una teoria economica relazionale, in: Pier Luigi Sacco and Stefano Zamagni (eds.), Teoria economica e relazioni interpersonali, Il Mulino, Bologna. p. 17–52.
Andreoni Antonio and Vittorio Pelligra, 2009, Microfinanza. Dare credito alle relazioni, Il Mulino, Bologna.
Aristotle, 2012, Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethic, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
Arrow Kenneth J., 1972, Gifts and Exchanges, Philosophy and Public Affairs, 1, p. 343–362.
Bazzichi O, 2005, Valenza antropologica del discorso economico francescano. Dai Monti di pietà alle proposte odierne di finanza etica, Miscellanea Francescana, 3–4, p. 480–500.
Benedict XVI, 2009, The Encyclical Letter Caritas in Veritate, Vatican City.
Benedict XVI, 2012, Homily, 7th world meeting of families, 3.06.2012, w: Insegnamenti di Benedetto XVI, VIII/1 (2012), LEV, Vatican City, p. 693–697.
Brezina Corona, 2012, Understanding the Gross Domestic Product and the Gross National Product, Rosen, New York.
Brown Peter Robert Lamont, 1978, The Making of Late Antiquity, Harvard University Press, Cambridge Mass.
Bruni Luigino, 2006a, Serpenti e colombe. per una teoria della reciprocità plural e pluralista, in: P.L. Sacco and Stefano Zamagni (eds.), Teoria economica e relazioni interpersonali, Il Mulino, Bologna, p. 53–92.
Bruni Luigino, 2006b, Il prezzo della gratuità, Città Nuova Editrice, San Martino Buon Albergo. Carbajo Núñez Martin, 2017a, A Free and Fraternal Economy. The Franciscan Perspective, Ed. Tau, Phoenix.
Carbajo Núñez Martin, 2017b, Sister Mother Earth. Franciscan Roots of the Laudato Si’, Ed. Tau, Phoenix.
Cornelio Tacito C., 1815, Gli Annali di C. Cornelio Tacito, IV.
Economy of Communion, 2018, in: Focolare Movement [online], access: 6.06.2018, <www.focolare.org/usa/professional-life/economy-of-communion/>.
Francis, 2015, The Encyclical Letter Laudato Si’, Vatican City.
Francis, 2016, Address to the members of the diplomatic corps accredited to the Holy See, L’Osservatore Romano, 156/7 (11/12.01.2016), p. 4–5.
Gans Joshua et al., 2012, Principles of Economics, Cengage, South Melbourne.
Genovesi Antonio, 1769, Lezioni di commercio, o sia d’economia civile, Remondini, Bassano.
Gintis Herbert, 2009, The Bounds of Reason. Game Theory and the Unification of the Behavioral Sciences, Princeton University Press, Princeton.
Henrich Joseph et al, 2001, In Search of Homo Economicus: Behavioral Experiments in 15 Small-Scale Societies, American Economic Review 91/2, p. 73–78.
Hobbes Thomas, 1642, De cive, c. 1,12, London.
Hobbes Thomas, 1651, The Leviathan, London.
Huntington Samuel P., 1997, The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order, Penguin, New York.
ISTAT, 2017, Censimento permanente della istituzioni non profit. Primi risultati, 20.12.2017,|in: Forum Terzo Settore [online], access: 18.05.2018, <http://www.forumterzosettore.it/files/2017/12/Nota-stampa-censimento-non-profit.pdf>.
John Paul II, 1991, The Encyclical Letter Centesimus Annus, Vatican City.
Monno, Michele, 2008, Geopolitica e nuove povertà. Fermare il decline italiano, Barletta, Rotas.
Muratori L.A., 1996, Della pubblica felicità oggetto dei buoni principi, Donzelli, Roma.
New Economics Foundation [online], 2018, access: 2.11.2018, <https://neweconomics.org/seaarch?serach=happiness+index>.
Paul VI, 1967, The Encyclical Letter Populorum Progressio, Vatican City.
Piana Giannino, 2008, Efficienza e solidarietà. L’etica economica nel contest della globalizzazione, Effata Editrice, Cantalupa.
Pieper Joseph, 1997, Faith, Hope, Love, Ignatius, San Francisco.
Polanyi Karl, 1968, Primitive, Archaic, and Modern Economies, Anchor Books, Doubleday.
Poundstone William, 2011, Prisoner’s Dilema, Anchor Books, New York.
Putnam Robert D., 2000, Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community, Simon and Schuster, New York.
Yunus Muhammad and Alan Jolis, 2001, Banker to the Poor. The Autobiography of Muhammad Yunus, Founder of Grameen Bank, Oxford University Press, Karachi.
Yunus Muhammad, 2007, Banker to the Poor. Micro-lending and the Battle Against World Poverty, Public Affairs, New York.
Yunus Muhammad, 2008, El banquero de los pobres. Los microcréditos y la batalla contra la pobreza en el mundo, Paidós, Barcelona.
Zamagni Stefano, 2006, L’economia comme se la persona contasse. Verso una teoria economica relazionale, in: Pier Luigi Sacco and Stefano Zamagni (eds.), Teoria economica e relazioni interpersonali, Il Mulino, Bologna. p. 17–52.
Carbajo Núñez, M. (2019). ZNACZENIE RELACJI RODZINNYCH DLA ROZWOJU GOSPODARCZEGO SPOŁECZEŃSTWA. Forum Teologiczne, 20, 7–18. https://doi.org/10.31648/ft.4799
Martín Carbajo Núñez
Pontifical University Antonianum Rome Italy; Alfonsian Academy (Pontifical Lateran University) Rome, Italy; FST – San Diego University, CA, USA
Pontifical University Antonianum Rome Italy; Alfonsian Academy (Pontifical Lateran University) Rome, Italy; FST – San Diego University, CA, USA