Veröffentlicht am: 2018-09-291

Zapomniany epizod współpracy Michała Kajki (Kayki) z Marcinem Gerssem i jego rezultat

Zbigniew Chojnowski


In the article Zapomniany epizod współpracy Michała Kajki (Kayki) z Marcinem Gerssemi jego rezultat [Forgotten episode of cooperation between Michał Kajka and Marcin Gerss, andthe result thereof] the author attempts to reconstruct the circumstances in which the two Masurian poets met, as well as their relationship. They had a 50 years of age difference. Gerssand his works were a role model for the younger Kajka. Many Masurian authors wanted their works to be approved by Gerss, so that they would be printed in "Gazeta Lecka" or "Kalendarz Królewsko-Pruski Ewangelicki". Until now, Kajka was believed to have been denied the honour of having his works printed in either of those papers until 1895. In reality however, Gerss included a religious hymn of Kajka Pociecha w utrapieniu ewangielików w diasporze i innych in Kalendarz Królewsko-Pruski Ewangelicki's 1894 edition. Uncovering this fact denies the opinion that Kajka distanced himself from writing and publishing efforts of Marcin Gerss.

Dateien herunterladen


Chojnowski, Z. (2018). Zapomniany epizod współpracy Michała Kajki (Kayki) z Marcinem Gerssem i jego rezultat. Prace Literaturoznawcze, (4). Abgerufen von

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