Opublikowane: 2018-09-291

Zapomniany epizod współpracy Michała Kajki (Kayki) z Marcinem Gerssem i jego rezultat

Zbigniew Chojnowski


In the article Zapomniany epizod współpracy Michała Kajki (Kayki) z Marcinem Gerssemi jego rezultat [Forgotten episode of cooperation between Michał Kajka and Marcin Gerss, andthe result thereof] the author attempts to reconstruct the circumstances in which the two Masurian poets met, as well as their relationship. They had a 50 years of age difference. Gerssand his works were a role model for the younger Kajka. Many Masurian authors wanted their works to be approved by Gerss, so that they would be printed in "Gazeta Lecka" or "Kalendarz Królewsko-Pruski Ewangelicki". Until now, Kajka was believed to have been denied the honour of having his works printed in either of those papers until 1895. In reality however, Gerss included a religious hymn of Kajka Pociecha w utrapieniu ewangielików w diasporze i innych in Kalendarz Królewsko-Pruski Ewangelicki's 1894 edition. Uncovering this fact denies the opinion that Kajka distanced himself from writing and publishing efforts of Marcin Gerss.

Słowa kluczowe:

teranie na Mazurach, pieśń religijna, chrystocentryzm, śpiewnik kościelny 1741

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Chojnowski, Z. (2018). Zapomniany epizod współpracy Michała Kajki (Kayki) z Marcinem Gerssem i jego rezultat. Prace Literaturoznawcze, (4). Pobrano z https://czasopisma.uwm.edu.pl/index.php/pl/article/view/1136

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