Poland’s position on the investment development path compared to selected countries in Central and Eastern Europe
Wiesława Lizińska
University of Warmia and Mazury in OlsztynRoman Kisiel
University of Applied Sciences in ElblągAbstract
The concept of linking the position of a country in terms of inward and outward direct foreign investments and its economic development is the concept of the investment and development path - IDP (The Investment Development Path). The aim of the paper is an attempt to assess the development situation of the Polish economy against the background of selected economies of Central and Eastern Europe, in accordance with the above-mentioned concept. The analysis covers the years 1995–2020 and uses data from UNCTAD and the World Bank. On the basis of changes in the values of NOIP indicators and GDP per capita, it was found that in the case of Hungary and the Czech Republic, identification of the transition to one of the most significant stages on the investment and development path, which is stage III, is not difficult. However, it is debatable to identify the period in which Poland entered such a stage of development. This is due to, inter alia, from the low level of foreign direct investment.
foreign direct investment, investment development path, Poland, Central and Eastern Europe, economic devel-opmentReferences
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University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
University of Applied Sciences in Elbląg
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