Historical monuments and their protection at different stages of compilation of the first inventory of monuments of art and culture in the Second Polish Republic

Konrad Kamiński

Uniwersytet Rzeszowski


The first Polish legislation on the protection of monuments was shaped even before independence. The Decree of the Regency Council of 31 October 1918 on the care of monuments of art and culture, together with the regulations of the Minister of Culture and the Arts of 5 April 1919 issued on its basis, established the basic legal framework for the protection of cultural heritage at the beginning of the Second Polish Republic. The aim of this article is to identify the terms defining monuments and the possibilities of their legal protection at the various stages of the formation of the first Polish inventory of historical monuments created based on the legal regulations of independent Poland. The conclusions derived from the conceptual analysis indicate that the legal possibilities of interference by the conservation authorities to protect historic buildings varied depending on the stage at which the monument was entered into the inventory. The first legislation on the protection of historical monuments in Poland was not fully adequate to Polish conditions and required the enactment of a new law less than ten years later, although it used innovative approaches to the issue compared to other European countries.


protection of monuments, inventory of monuments, protection of cultural heritage law, Second Polish Republic

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Cited by

Kamiński, K. (2024). Historical monuments and their protection at different stages of compilation of the first inventory of monuments of art and culture in the Second Polish Republic. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (66). https://doi.org/10.31648/sp.10083

Konrad Kamiński 
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski