Liability of the beneficiary of European funds and persons acting on his behalf for violating public finance discipline

Jarosław Redo

Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy


The problem raised in the article is important because the nearly three-year delay in starting the implementation of EU programs under the Multi-
annual Financial Framework 2021–2027 may contribute to less effective allocation and irregularities in spending of European funds. The public nature of these measures requires adequate protection. It is implemented at two lev-
els – preventive (at the stage of the competition procedure) and consequential through economic, administrative and criminal sanctions. The legislator decided that merely recovering the funds was not sufficient and decided to take far-reaching repression against the beneficiaries. The instruments of repres-
sion include corporate liability (exclusion from applying for European funds) and individual (personal) liability: criminal, penal and fiscal, and for violating public finance discipline. The aim of the study is to analyze and assess the
correctness of the subjective and objective scope of the last mentioned, as well as an attempt to answer the questions: whether and to what extent the prem-
ises of irregularities are identical with the premises of liability for violation of public finance discipline and whether this type of liability ensures adequate
protection of EU funds? In the course of the argument, the partial identity of the indicated premises was established and de lege ferenda postulates were presented regarding the inclusion in the scope of fiscal penal liability of the use of funds contrary to the procedures applicable to their expenditure, and in the scope of liability for violating financial discipline, undue collection of
funds. Moreover, statistical data showed that the severity and inevitability of penalties for violating discipline are negligible, which calls into question the
validity of its functioning in the legal system.


financial law, irregularity, beneficiary, European funds, public resources, public finance discipline

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Cited by

Redo, J. (2024). Liability of the beneficiary of European funds and persons acting on his behalf for violating public finance discipline. Studia Prawnoustrojowe, (65).

Jarosław Redo 
Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy