Administrative and legal nature, legal status and responsibility of the deputy mayor (mayor, city president) – selected issues
The aim of the article was to provide a legal analysis of the conditions for shaping the status and responsibility of the deputy mayor in a commune, which, from the point of view not only of jurisprudence but also of doctrine, causes
quite numerous disputes and divergent assessments. The deputy mayor is a local government employee who is employed at the commune office on an
appointment basis. However, the employment relationship of the deputy mayor is characterized by a lack of employment stability, taking into account the
possibility of dismissal by the mayor at any time, within the discretionary power assigned to him. The work verified the formal requirements that
a deputy mayor should meet and determined the importance of the role he should play in the commune. Quite important de lege ferenda assumptions of the introduction were also presented, including: the Act on local government
employees, unambiguous expressis verbis regulations regarding the mandatory appointment by the mayor of his deputy and assigning him specific scope of duties.
prawo administracyjne, prawo samorządu terytorialnego, gmina, wójt, zastępca wójta, pracownik samorządowyReferences
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